Download Previous Year Diploma Paper of Soil and Foundation Engineering 5th Exam/Civil/Dec 2016

Soil and Foundation Engineering 5th Semester /Civil/2517/Dec 2016 Diploma PSBTE Paper


Q1. Fill in the Blanks                                                 10×1.5=15

   a. Sandy soil is ___________ permeable than clayey soil.
   b. Core cutters are used to ___________ of soils.
   c. Sand replacement method is used to find __________ of soil.
   d. Unit of coefficient of consolidation is ______________
   e. Compression index is the slope of _________________

B) True false

   f. Clays have particles size greater than 0.002 mm.
   g. Auger boring collects undisturbed sample.
   h. Gravels are less permeable than sand.
    i. Creep is vertical movement of soils.
    j. Pile foundation is a shallow foundation.


Q2. Attempt any five questions.                                                                    5×6=30

      a. Explain the importance of soil studies in Civil Engineering.
      b. Differentiate between compaction and consolidation.
      c. Explain classification of piles on the basis of material.
      d. Define plastic flow.
      e. Explain OMC.
      f. Discuss on IS Classification of soil.
      g. Define soil profile with neat sketch.
      h. What is bearing capacity of soil and how can you determine it?


Q3. Attempt any three questions.                                                       3×10=30

   i. Write down various methods of compaction in detail.
   ii. What is the necessity of soil exploration and explain methods of soil exploration.
  iii. What are the different types of foundations .Explain any one in detail.
  iv. A fully saturated sample of soil has a volume of 25cc and a weight of 40g. After drying in the oven, its weight is 28g. With the help of phase diagram calculate void ratio, water content, degree of saturation, saturated unit weight.

Soil & Foundation Engineering 5th Semester /Civil/2517/May’18 Diploma Paper

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Section a Soil and Foundation Engineering 5th Sem /Civil/dec 2016 paper

Sandy soil is ___________ permeable than clayey soil. Core cutters are used to ___________ of soils.  Sand replacement method is used to find __________ of soil. Unit of coefficient of consolidation is ______________ Compression index is the slope of ____________________  Clays have particles size greater than 0.002 mm.T/F Auger boring collects undisturbed sample.T/F Gravels are less permeable than sand.T/F Creep is vertical movement of soils.T/F  Pile foundation is a shallow foundation.T/F
Soil and Foundation Engineering 5th Sem/Civil/Dec 2016 Paper Click Here

Section B :Soil and Foundation Engineering 5th Semester /Civil/2517/Dec’16 Diploma Paper

Explain the importance of soil studies in Civil Engineering.

Importance of soil studies in Civil Engineering.

Differentiate between compaction and consolidation.

Differentiate between compaction and consolidation.

Explain classification of piles on the basis of material.

Classification of piles on the basis of material.

Define plastic flow.

Plastic flow.

Explain OMC.


 Discuss on IS Classification of soil.

IS Classification of soil.

Define soil profile with neat sketch.

Soil profile with neat sketch.

What is bearing capacity of soil and how can you determine it?

Bearing capacity of soil and how can you determine it

Soil and Foundation Engineering 5th Sem/Civil/Dec 2016 Diploma Paper Click Here

Soil and Foundation Engineering 5th Semester /Civil/Dec 2016 Diploma PSBTE Paper

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Section c :-Soil and Foundation Engineering 5th Semester /Civil/2517/Dec’16 Diploma Paper

Write down various methods of compaction in detail.

Various methods of compaction in detail.

What is the necessity of soil exploration and explain methods of soil exploration.

Necessity of soil exploration

Explain methods of soil exploration.

What are the different types of foundations .Explain any one in detail.

Different types of foundations .

A fully saturated sample of soil has a volume of 25cc and a weight of 40g. After drying in the oven, its weight is 28g. With the help of phase diagram calculate void ratio, water content, degree of saturation, saturated unit weight.

fully saturated sample of soil has a volume of 25cc and a weight of 40g. After drying in the oven, its weight is 28g. With the help of phase diagram calculate void ratio, water content, degree of saturation, saturated unit weight.

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